
Bekah Jerde is a photographer and artist based in Omaha.

She produces street photography taken with her phone, likes to paint with oils, and explores mixed media through collage.

Bekah Jerde was born and raised on the high plains of northwestern South Dakota. She has called Omaha home for over 20 years. Nine years ago, she began walking with purpose, utilizing public transportation and her trusty feet to navigate her way around town. This marked the beginning of a new journey. She began taking photos on her smartphone that have become a series entitled #pedestrianperks. Her discoveries run the gamut: funny, weird, beautiful, morbid. She shoots her photographs in situ and only uses filters if she finds a black and white version of the photo more appealing. In December of 2016, one of her photos, #brightspot, was accepted into the Des Moines Art Center’s Community Photography Showcase. Her mixed media piece “Zeona” was part of the group exhibition Cream on Top at The Butter Factory which won a 2018 OEAA Award.

Exhibitions (*denotes solo exhibition)

2021_Spring Showcase Landlock Gallery Omaha

2021_Citylight Art Project Exhibition & Art Benefit Omaha

2021_Winter Showcase Landlock Gallery Omaha

2020_caitlin little presents: LOUVRE IT or leave it MaMO Gallery Omaha

2019_Banana Split Split Gallery Omaha

2019_Transcendence The Little Gallery Omaha

2018_CREAM on TOP The Butter Factory Omaha

2016_Community Photography Showcase Des Moines Art Center

2016_The ReLissa Show: Mel-in-choly & the Infinite Stiches/#pedestrianperks Howlin’ Hounds Omaha